In the past, would be burglars passed a home in a car
or on foot, noted movements of cars and people and determined how many people
lived at a residence. Now it is done online even more flawlessly. Once that person or persons
are seen to be gone, it is certain the home is empty. If the thief wants the
person home to ensure all hidden assets are also obtained, they will wait till
you ARE home. Programs on the computer can tell people your names within the
household, your ages and types and colors of the cars you have at the home.
Neighbors and nearby businesses are obvious, tidbits able to be used by any
con-man. A sticker on your bumper can mean you belong to a club, are a Marine
or member of a church or university. Information to be used by the thief… We
live in a rich country. We have every convenience. Yet, onceused to them, we
are very spoiled as well. Regardless of how far we fall financially, honest
folks are always honest folks. But, some have a latent tendency and always did,
to steal or lie. When it isthere, it can activate. We find that so many people
take both prescription and non-prescription drugs. Then they tend to misuse them
or get hooked on them. When a supply is cut off, they still desire them.
Other people dare to do business with shady types who sell them illegal drugs.
What they are mistaken about is that they think they will take what they want
and they will quit buying as they like. That is their first and sometimes last
mistake.They think maybe they could try something one time, or as a young person,
dabble a bit and discover drugs. What nobody tells them is that they have a
permanent monkey on their back; not just the drug, for they can often be
overcome! It is the dealer of the drug. Do you think for one minute if your son
or daughter right now takes a fairly harmless seeming drug one time that their
dealer will ever leave them alone again? Why do you think that people who
dabble in drugs are often killed? Looking at the newspapers and internet we see
often there is a young person with a youngspouse and along comes a baby. The
couple turns around their more irresponsible lives and are now parents. They
work and save and tend to their child. But someone comes to call all too often:
their past. Drug dealers don’t like to be told no, I don’t do marijuana
anymore. They want to sell it to you and more than before, or other offerings.
If you suddenly are not interested, they want to retain their customer. If they
cannot, they know they can be identified now, and over a very cheap drug, a
person can be killed. It can be a drug he or she no longer even takes…If you know
of anyone at all who has or now takes drugs, beware. It could be within your
own family and you do not know it or within your extended family. Are you
wealthy? Who knows it? Family? Friends? Co-workers who no longer work with you?
Think if over. If you have a nice piece of land and large home with nice things
in it, that is your prerogative. But know that others see this and target you.
Know that even family members who become desperate for more cash and drugs will
think of you and befriend you suddenly or visit. Know that you could be robbed
or worse. As both misuse of prescription drugs and sale of them, and the now cheaper
alternative, heroin, have hit the mainstream person even in grade school now,
we have a new society of desperate people.They need and want to do all they can
to make money and will not stop at anything. People you once knew, worked with
or hadin your extended family who target you, as well as total strangerswho
think your car, house, lawn or view inside your window at dusk is nice, the
size of your new TV through the sliding glass door from another condo’s view is
great, or just a passing stranger can all be hopeless slaves to drugs they will
not abandon. Know it and know your options. Learn to protect yourself
personally, your home, your office, and in public places. Not only are parking
lots or garages rife for being robbed, but other areas before assumed safe.
Restrooms, fitting rooms, break rooms and other areas you assume are
“patrolled” are not. Remember: try to know what security is available where you
are, who you could turn to or where you could run, who is there, how many
security people are there per how many people. Are you ona college campus with
one officer? Are you in a bank? A bank or jewelry store, pawn shop or liquor
store is prime for being robbed. If you happen to be inside, there is possibly
an alarm, but who is there to protect you? When you calmly evaluate daily
encounters, it is sobering. Gas stations are also prime to be hit. If you pay
at the pump, who is beside you getting gas? It’s just something to think about!
In our grandparents and parents times things were often tough. But what we face
today is a new desperation: the reaction of thousands of people in our own city
on serious drugs: Heroin is the #1 drug choice among users in Louisville, KY
and the cheapest for them to use. Once used, they are hooked and needmore and
more. Crime results and police respond best they can,but it will take diligent
individuals to combat it at the everyday level with awareness and person
protection of varying sorts to level the playing field.